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Unprecedented Review
Describe the roles of Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris, George Bush, and Al Gore.
Discuss the voter registration efforts to bring in more African-Americans to the polling place.
Discuss the attempt to purge voters off of the voter registration lists.
Discuss other factors that took place to discourage voters on election day.
Discuss the role of the military vote, and its impact on the overall vote count.
Discuss the role of the county voter registrars in the voter recount efforts.
Your overall reaction.
Unprecedented Review Answer
The unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election
The Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election documentary film narrates the story of what appears to be politically maneuvered presidential election. It tells the struggle of power to keep and put people in power. The story was particularly focused on the State of Florida. This is because Florida was the remaining state who had not yet registered the number of votes for the presidential candidates. This is where the battle took place and prominent personalities were personally elbowing the process in order to ensure that the candidate which they favor will surely win the seat in the White House.