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ASSIGNMENT – Chapter 1 Solving Derogatory Emails Lead to Firings
Three employees of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission learned the hard way that digital gossip can be costly. They were fired after supervisors found they had used the state’s email system to disparage and ridicule coworkers. The culprits referred to colleagues by offensive nicknames, such as Monster, Psycho, Stone Intern, Roid Rage, Extreme Makeover, Where’s My Car, and Albino. A representative message read, “Where’s My Car and Psycho are talking about food – a match made in stoner/fatty heaven!”
The workers called their emails harmless office chatter, “It was just talk, water cooler chat,” one protested. An administrative law judge disagreed, characterizing their messages as “misconduct” that disqualified them for unemployment insurance benefits.
Do you agree? If so, why? Discuss fully.
ASSIGNMENT – Chapter 1 Solving Derogatory Emails Lead to Firings Answer
I agree with the ruling of the judge. Office tools such as emails should not be used as an avenue to talk to someone and leave unpleasant remarks. Official emails should not be used to gossip other people and call other people by names. This is very unprofessional.