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ASSIGNMENT – Chapter 2 What Would You Do?
For each situation below, choose the response that comes closest to what you think you would do or prefer:
- If I ask someone to do me a favor and he can’t, I would prefer that
- he at least say he’ll try or he’ll check; then later let me know if he can’t.
- he say “no” right away instead of saying he’ll check his schedule and let me know.
- If people come to my office to talk and I don’t have time, I would
- talk to them anyway and hint at the fact that I had work to do.
b. not offer them a chair. I’d say, “I can’t talk now; I have to get this work done.” - If someone said she was inviting a few people from the office over for dinner and asked you to come, and you really didn’t want to socialize with people from work, would you say,
- sorry, but I already have some plans for that night; I’ll see what I can do.
b. I prefer to keep my work and personal life separate. Thanks for the invitation, but I don’t want to. - If your car was in the shop and you wanted a ride home with someone, would you
- hint at the fact that you needed a ride?
b. come right out and ask people if they could give you a ride home? - A coworker asks your opinion on a project that you think is poorly done. Would you say
- I can see you worked hard on this; it must have been a lot of work?
b. it looks as though you still need to work on the formatting and the conclusions? - You are upset about the way your coworker, with whom you share a locked office, runs out for coffee and leaves the door unlocked. Would you
- not say anything and just hope she remembers to lock it, and make a point of locking it when you step out?
b. address the issue with her promptly by saying you feel uneasy when you find the office unlocked with no one around? - You and your coworker Sue worked together and contributed equally on a project. At a staff meeting, your boss publicly commends Sue for her work on the project. Would you
- not say anything knowing that in time you may get recognition?
b. immediately write a memo or talk to your boss to let her know that the project was a joint one?
NOTE: The more A responses indicate more indirectness and more B responses indicate more directness.
Answer the following questions:
• When do you consider directness to be a virtue?
• When is politeness more important than directness?
• When is directness more important than polite indirectness?
• Is politeness a societal judgment? Does politeness ever constitute lying?
• Can you be direct and polite at the same time?
• Are you more or less direct with your boss than with your coworkers? Why?
• Are you most direct in downward, horizontal, or upward communication? Why?
ASSIGNMENT – Chapter 2 What Would You Do? Answer
- I would prefer that he say “no” right away instead of saying he’ll check his schedule and let me know.
- I would talk to them anyway and hint at the fact that I had work to do.
- I would say sorry, but I already have some plans for that night; I’ll see what I can do.
- I would hint at the fact that you needed a ride.