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ASSIGNMENT: Chapter 6 Key Terms and Concepts
Define the following Key Terms and answer the following Concepts:
audition interview, behavioral interview, bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ), career research interview, closed question, direct question, employment interview, factual question, gatekeeper, hypothetical question, indirect question, interview, leading question, open question, opinion question, panel interview, primary question, scannable résumé, secondary question, stress interview, structured interview and unstructured interview
- Explain how to define interview goals, identify and analyze the other interview party, and choose the best interview structure.
- Describe the purpose of and appropriate conduct during each stage of an interview: opening, body, and conclusion.
- Identify and demonstrate the steps to prepare for, participate in, and follow up after an employment interview.
- Describe features and common uses of various types of employment interviews and explain ways to prepare for each.
- Distinguish between legal and illegal employment interview questions and identify advantages and disadvantages of each of four methods of responding to illegal questions.
ASSIGNMENT: Chapter 6 Key Terms and Concepts Answer
- audition interview – An interview for a role or job as a singer, actor, dancer, or musician, consisting of a practical demonstration of the candidate’s suitability and skill
- behavioral interview – job interviewing technique where candidates are asked to describe past performance and behavior to determine whether they are suitable for a position.
- bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) – employment qualifications that employers are allowed to consider while making decisions about hiring and retention of employees.