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Saponification of Fatty Acids Pre Lab
1. In your own words, describe how you will “salt out” the soap.
2. How can you determine if your prepared soap contains excess sodium hydroxide?
3. Explain the difference between fermentation and aerobic cellular respiration.
4. Why can we use CO2 production as a proxy for the amount of ATP produced by glycolysis and fermentation?
5. Why should you perform all of the tests on distilled water or hexane in addition to your mystery sample?
6. Explain why the acid was added to sucrose, then heat and then NaOH. What was happening to sucrose at each step?
Saponification of Fatty Acids Pre Lab Answer
In your own words, describe how you will “salt out” the soap.
Your Answer:
Literally, you will salt out the soap by adding a common salt. In this way, you will precipitate out the soap from the aqueous solution, since the addition of the common salt reduces the solubility of the soap.