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California’s Constitutional Officers
Explain the role(s) of any four of the constitutional officers for the state of California. Do not use the Governor as one of officers you write on. (Hint: use Chapter 9 of the California textbook to start with.)
California’s Constitutional Officers Answer (B)
The state executive branch of the government differs with the national executive branch in the sense that the former is a plural executive. Meaning to say, the executive officers are elected directly by the voters. In contrast to the national executive branch, only the president is elected and the rest of his or her team is nominated/appointed by the president himself or herself but the nomination needs to be confirmed by the Senate.
California’s Constitutional Officers Answer
Four of the constitutional officers for the state of California are lieutenant-governor, attorney general, controller and the secretary of state. The lieutenant-governor succeeds the governor between elections. However, he does not succeed the governor in the event of vacancy because the law provides for the selection of the replacement governor. Hence, the position of lieutenant-governor is not affected by any vacancy.