Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Pol Sci 61A – Introduction to Race and Ethnicity in Political Science » Application Papers » Exercise 4 » Exercise 4 Sample Answers

Exericse 4
Question 1
What is one concept, quote, or idea from class readings that you think you may apply or respond to in future activities, choices, or further research? This could be in academic or non-academic settings. Include an in-text citation for the source that contains this concept, idea, or quote (Author PG#). If you upload an audio or video file, you don’t need to answer the question in text form.
UnansweredQuestion 2
If you would like to upload an audio or video recording for question 1, use this link. You can verbally reference sources. You will still receive up to 1.5 points for submitting your response in this way. If you answer in text form, you do not need to upload a file.
Question 3
How did taking this course impact your ideas about race, diversity, and politics more broadly? Include an in-text citation (Author PG#) if you reference any sources. If you upload an audio or video file, you don’t need to answer the question in text form.
UnansweredQuestion 4
If you would like to upload an audio or video recording for the second question, use this link. You can verbally reference sources. You will still receive up to 1.5 points for submitting your response in this way. If you answer in text form, you do not need to upload a file.
Question 5
If you would like to recognize any peers who were especially helpful or active in generating good discussions during break-out groups, please tell me about their contribution here. Please include their name.
Exercise 4 Answer
“Race must be viewed as a social construction. That is, human interaction rather than natural differentiation must be seen as the source and continued basis for racial categorization” (Lopez 196). I find this quote very interesting and significant. I can apply this quote in future activities such as further research in terms of uprooting the problem of discrimination in the society. The key to resolve the problem of discrimination and inequalities is to enlighten everyone that race is not a natural influence but a human concoction that must be destroyed in order to liberate the society from wrongful notion.