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Discussion: Week 6
The Challenge of Cultural Relativism (Links to an external site.) is a James Rachels’ article in which he explores and then rejects a view of cultural relativism. Rachels makes a case that different practices do not necessarily mean a disagreement in values rather different cultures share some common values. Do you think that moral differences between societies are minor and superficial or deep and fundamental? Use some examples that illustrate your view. Answer the question by following Directions and Discussion Guidelines.
Discussion: Week 6 Answer
Each culture has its set of different beliefs and traditions. Cultural relativism states that in each culture, one action or behavior may be the norm in one and may be offensive in the other. Customs and norms often make the major difference between cultures and this creates a problem on how one culture can identify and understand each other. I think this is also one of the main reasons why moral differences between societies are deep and fundamental. Each individual is shaped by the culture they grew up in, and it affects the way they perceive the world as well as the interactions they have with other people.