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Module 3 Assignment – Movie Review
This week you have your research proposal topic due, so let’s do something fun for your assignment. So this module was all about labeling. As I’ve previously stated, deviance tends to be something we “feel” or “see” rather than an objective thing we can measure. Likewise, we tend to learn about deviance not from “deviants” themselves, but from mass media, which often acts as a moral entrepreneur, modeling appropriate and inappropriate behavior for us as part of socialization.
For this assignment, I want you to critique a piece of popular culture in its labeling and stigmatizing of a deviant group/act/identity. In other words, I want you to find something that badly depicts a thing, and tear it down. But to give us some structure, I want you to either write a short movie review (1-2 pages) or make a YouTube critique video (5 minute).
Module 3 Assignment – Movie Review Answer
Misrepresentation of Urban Poverty: A Movie Review of Buybust
An upheaval is always violent, but it is a disservice to the marginalized and underserved for popular culture to not depict the reason why they resort to violence in the first place. It is the primary desire of individuals to live in peace and ordered society that sustainably provides opportunities for them to satisfy their basic needs and their pursuit of self-actualization. When such a utopian condition is impossible and injustice becomes part of everyday lives, recourse to violence as the final resort may be undertaken by the marginalized.