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Module 4 Assignment – Researching Moral Panics
This week I would like you to research a moral panic not discussed in the readings or lecture. We live in a world of constant panic, so this should be pretty easy. This can be a 1-2 page essay, short video, classroom presentation, or creative work.
I would like you to identify and deconstruct the panic of your choosing. So give an overview of it, identify any folk devils/moral entrepreneurs, and discuss why it started (and why it ended if relevant). I’d also like you to connect it to the larger social context of the time.
Module 4 Assignment – Researching Moral Panics Answer
The basis of social contract is that the people gave up some of their rights in order to form a government that shall, in turn, provide them protection and establish order in society. Individuals are inherently self-serving and without a government, there would be chaos and one’s right can easily be injured by the exercise of another person of her own right. Moral panic is a threat to the stability of social contract. One of the definitions of moral panic is one provided by Amanda Rohloff.