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Argumentative Essay Draft
Why do we need to know how to write an argumentative essay? At some point in our lives, we will be required to fight for what we believe in; whether that is for equal rights, animal rights, fair pay, etc. For our arguing skills to improve, we need to be able to write a strong argument with facts so that we know how to gather our thoughts and present them. The essay has to be connected the novel Frankenstein. The assignment document can also be found here: Frankenstein Argumentative Essay Assignment-2.docx
For this assignment, you’re going to argue whether you agree/disagree with a topic of your choice related to science and technology. I’m providing you with some options, but you can pick your own topic if you’d like. You must pick a side and provide support for your argument and although you will need a counter argument, you will need to stick to your side.
Argumentative Essay Draft Answer
Outline: Should science be based on ethics?
The advent of science has emphasized the need to discuss openly ethical standards in modern technology. There are several incidents in history where scientists failed to consider ethics in their practice. The work of Mary Shelley entitled Frankenstein has a significant impact on how medicine and science are being practiced today. The novel has an impact on how research and technology are done today. Humanity has surpassed the abilities of previous civilizations and can transform the global environment and several industries.