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Week 15 discussion
Your initial post can address any of the following topics regarding lectures 23-24 OR calculations from lecture 21; pick one of topic to write about (1 initial post is assigned). Please begin with one of the following key words below.
- A question you have from the lecture, reading, or study outline. Explain what you know first then state your question. Highlight your question in bold.
- Summary. An answer to a question from the study outline.
- Summary. A summary of a key topic from this module.
- Resource. An explanation of something you learned from another website/ video/ animation/ news article related to this module (include a link to your source).
- Study question. 2 mock test questions with answers and explanations, related to this module.
- Experience. A personal experience related to this module.
Week 15 discussion Answer
I became interested on the Hardy-Weinberg principle so I decided to look further about it. So this is what I got: The Hardy-Weinberg law is an algebraic equation that describes a population’s genetic equilibrium. It can be used by medical geneticists to calculate the likelihood of human matings producing faulty offspring. The rule can also be used to determine whether a population’s number of deleterious mutations is increasing as a result of radiation from industrial processes, medical methods, and fallout.