Discussion Forum Module 9 Answer

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Discussion Forum Module 9

Research a disorder pertaining to the integumentary system. Summarize the disorder using medical terms and post it in the discussion.

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Discussion Forum Module 9 Answer 

Acne is a skin condition typically experienced by teenagers. However, this type of condition is not limited among teens as it can be experienced by anyone at different age. Acne develops when the hair follicle gets clogged up with dirt, oil, and dead skin cells (Goodman). Common symptoms of acne include black heads, white heads, pustules, papules, and cystic lesion (e-Silva and Carneiro). Acne typically appears on the face, chest, back, forehead, and shoulders. Among the commonly identified causes of acne include clogged hair follicles, bacteria, inflammation, and sebum production (e-Silva and Carneiro). 

This question is taken from Medicine 120 – Medical Terminology » Fall 2021 » Discussions