Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Communication 101 – Public Speaking » Discussion » H3. Personal Reflection Discussion: Introduction and Cultural Narrative Speeches » H3. Personal Reflection Discussion: Introduction and Cultural Narrative Speeches Sample Answers
This discussion is for all of you to personally reflect on your first two speeches. Some questions to consider:
- What has gone well?
- What do you need to improve on?
- What will you do different for the next Speech?
- What will you do the same?
In addition to answering the above questions, to get full credit for this discussion you must reply to at least three of your peers.
I think what has gone well with my first two speeches is that I was able to fully explore the topics I used and that I was able to properly practice the importance of eye contact, facial expression and hand gestures as well as body movements to emphasize the importance of the speech.