Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Child Development 142 – Child, Family and Community » Discussion » Reflection #1 – Due Sunday, January 16th » Reflection #1 – Due Sunday, January 16th Sample Answers

For this reflection, please write about your thoughts on both the readings and our first online discussions – you may include any questions you have, what worked for you/what didn’t, etc. From the readings, please choose what stood out for you. Tell me what you THINK about what you’ve read, not a summary of what you’ve read. If you quote the readings or other sources, you must cite them!
At first, people misjudge the impact of the environmental factors on the development of a child. The first chapters have broadened my understanding towards child development. I have learned that there are different variables which could foster negative or positive experiences for a child. It is important to create meaningful childhood for young ones because they will carry these experiences when they grow up.