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After reading chapter two, please think again about the course description for this class. Go back and reread it even!
Course Description:
Child Development 142 examines the developing child in a societal context focusing on the interrelationship of family, school and community with an emphasis on historical and socio-cultural factors. The processes of socialization and identity development are highlighted, showing the importance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that support and empower families.
Please specifically connect the developmental theorists we discussed in chapter two with the course description. How can you connect the theorists to the course description? Please give examples of each.
- How does the family, school, community support Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?
- According to Vygotsky, why are relationships important to development?
- What does Bandura think influences the process of socialization? (don’t forget to watch the “bobo the clown” video)
- What does Erikson say about the importance of those around the child?
Piaget stages of cognitive development highlights the mechanisms which help individuals adopt and learn new things. For instance, educators can employ Piaget’s theory on accommodation and assimilation when introducing a new concept in the class and help students approach a certain learning from their previous lessons. Vygotsky suggests that relationships are fundamental because social