Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Child Development 142 – Child, Family and Community » Discussion » Agents of Socialization – Due on Sunday,1/23 but please work on all week. » Agents of Socialization – Due on Sunday,1/23 but please work on all week. Sample Answers

Please review the agents of socialization from chapter three. Please make a list of examples of all of your own agents of socialization, but don’t label them, just number the list. Then discuss how the agent influenced you. If one doesn’t apply to you (like you weren’t raised religious or you didn’t go to daycare), just don’t include it.
My list – see if you can guess which one is which…
- Godfrey – taught me about unconditional love.
2.Mr. T – Taught me to see strength and power as important traits, mostly for males.
- Mrs. Pollard – Through her, I developed a closed-mindset about myself as a math student.
4.Mrs. Bergin – Through her, I learned that I was worthy of love and that there were adults in the world who could be depended on.
5.Rex – Through Rex I learned about Korean culture and also learned about what it was like to have divorced parents.
- Katie – Katie taught me about hard work and that it is okay to sacrifice your happiness to get good grades.
- Then go to at least three other classmate’s posts and attempt to guess which agent goes with which example.
- Include a brief statement about why you think it’s an example of that agent.
- Once a couple of people have responded to you, please go back and read their guesses and then in the replies, tell us who was who.
I think the first one is family because family cares the most to