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For this discussion, you will be applying course information from the chapter and module. Specifically, you will select one of the 12 Cases from the “Handbook on Ethical Issues in Anthropology” linked to in Module 3.
Posting 1 (due Thursday Week 2) – 15pts
Read through several of the Cases and Solutions and choose one:
- Give the case number and the title
- Describe the ethical dilemma faced by the anthropologist. Be clear as to why this was an ethical dilemma. Give enough information, everyone may not have read the case.
- What did the anthropologist decide to do in the situation?
- Explain why this decision was made.
- How does the decision relate to the AAA Code of Ethics?
- What do you think about to the anthropologist’s decision?
- Explain what you see as the most ethical response in this situation and why. (It could be what was done or what was suggested or a combination or something not yet suggested.) There is no right or wrong answer, rather points will be awarded for well reasoned explanations.
In separate postings, Postings 2 & 3 (Due Saturday Week 2, no postings will be accepted after the topic locks at 11:59 pm) – 5 pts each
- Summarize and evaluate a classmate’s idea of what would be the most ethical response given the situation.
The researcher, Mira Walton, was faced with the dilemma of whether to include in her second book the actual name of the location and the villagers who participated in her study despite the policy of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) on anonymity. The villagers were the ones who insisted on having their actual names disclosed. Walton debated with