Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » FCS 320 – Family Resource Management » Discussion » Chapter 1 – Discussion: Changing Sex Roles and Family Dynamics » Chapter 1 – Discussion: Changing Sex Roles and Family Dynamics Sample Answers

The individual choices family members make affects the entire family. The collective decisions of the family affect the community, the city, the state, and the country.
One of the links posted talks about how young adults, particularly women, are getting more advanced degrees. We know that your type, quality and quantity of education has a direct relationship with your earning potential and your wealth. We also know that how families make decisions is highly influenced by who earns the most money.
The question for the week is this:
“How are dating and family relationships likely to change as more women pursue advanced degrees than men?”
You will earn 2.5 points for responding to all the questions above and 2.5 points for responding to another student’s responses to the questions.
Society is changing drastically because of shifting lifestyle norms that enable women to participate in the workforce. According to a recent survey, the woman population contributes to the $7 trillion in America’s GDP annually and