Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » CAFF 427 – Consumer Dynamics » Discussion » Chapter 2 – Decsion Making and Consumer Behavior Community Discussion Question » Chapter 2 – Decsion Making and Consumer Behavior Community Discussion Question Sample Answers

This is the discussion forum for the weekly discussion question.
Learning Objectives
This assignment is related to the following Learning Objective(s):
- Explain the various steps that consumers use in the decision-making process.
- Analyze consumer behavior involved in the selection, purchase, use, and choice of products or services.
Write clearly and concisely about consumer dynamics in the marketplace and apply related information and personal experiences to course concepts. - Evaluate how personality, lifestyle, and attitude impact buyer behavior and influence marketing practices.
- Explain defensive tactics that consumers can take in response to ethical and social responsibility violations in advertising and promotion.
- Explain sound consumer decision-making in the current economic environment.
Where a person chooses to live is not random.
When people are able to select the community they live in, they elect to live in communities that either represent who they are or who they are trying to be.
Communities have consumption patterns based on the age, race, income, and other characteristics of the people that live there.
Identify the unit consumption patters of the community you live in. Identity the community and what are some of the typical things people in the community buy to show they are from the community.
You will earn 5 points for responding to the question and 5 points for responding to another student’s question.
When posting on the discussion boards and conferences rooms it is important to understand how to interact with one another online, netiquette. You can read more about the rules of netiquette at
Respect other’s opinions.
Do not ridicule, bully or shame other students for their work, comments, or demeanor.
Studying consumer behavior and consumer dynamics is effective in understanding consumer purchasing decisions. With its study, marketers and researchers, as well as professionals alike, will understand the underlying elements which compel people to purchase products, render services, and associate this with various dimensions of human need and desire. The study of