Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » History 111 – The Women in America » Discussion » Week 5 Discussion Abolition to Women’s Rights – Discussion Group 1 » Week 5 Discussion Abolition to Women’s Rights – Discussion Group 1 Sample Answers

This week’s discussion is to help you write the two paragraphs for the essential question for this unit – unit 3. Use information from both week 5 and week 6.
Discuss ideas about women’s involvement in the abolitionist movement and how their participation helped expose them to ideas about women’s rights. Which women were involved (think about race, class etc.) what were their motivations and what did people think of them being so active. Use the two paragraphs from the website that I provided and be sure to read the document The Declaration of Sentiments. What are some of the issues they are protesting?
You have your classmates as partners in analyzing all of these things and this is what these discussions are for. If you are unsure about some things you can include questions in your discussion. You don’t need to feel like you understand or know everything right away but by communicating with your classmates, you can help each other clarify things and come up with ideas. *You should use causal language to exchange ideas with your peers.
Use the information above as a guide to work with your classmates. What is the connection between the abolitionist movement and the women’s rights movement and what are some of the issues that women are fighting against or for regarding women’s rights?
Part 1
Post a response to the prompt above. Once you have posted your initial response you will be able to view your classmate’s responses. Your initial post is due by Thursday at 11:59pm.
Part 2
Respond to at least two of your classmate’s post. This part is due by Sunday at 11:59pm.
The abolitionists essentially inspired women to fight for their own rights. This observations can be seen because of the intertwining characteristics between the two. It was explained that the partners of male abolitionists became involved in the movement to spread the matters they were concerned about. Because of this reason, there was a rising involvement of women. Additionally,