Module Six Learning Activity & Discussion: Harry Potter and Mythology Answer

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We are showing you only the excerpt of our answer. If you need help with the complete answer email us at

This discussion assumed you have done all of the readings in this Module first. Yes? Okay, here goes! 🙂

Part One

The two texts you’ve read made several comparisons between the Harry Potter stories and other myths, many of them ancient myths. For this assignment, you will choose two myths that we have read for this class so far (from any Module in the course), and compare them to the Harry Potter story.

You may compare them to any aspect of the story, film, or book. For those unfamiliar with the stories, here is a very brief synopsis of the seven stories, in their film forms that can use for your comparisons. 


Part Two

After choosing two myths that we have read as a class so far (make sure to choose actual myths, not articles or essays or analyses about myths), write a brief paragraph for each myth, thoroughly explaining where and how you found common elements between the myth and any aspect of the Harry Potter stories. Is it a theme? Character? A function of the myth? Plot? Give examples so we can see what you see!

Note: Make every attempt not to choose the same two myths that someone else has already posted (for those posting within a couple of hours of each other, this might not be avoidable – don’t worry about it then). 


As usual, always respond to our peers on the discussion board within 24 hours after the posting due date. Initial posts and responses are always welcome early. You may turn them in any time after the Module opens, and you have completed 100% of the work.

  • Please respond to three other students.
  • Please be sure to use Netiquette in your response.
  • In your response, make at least one insightful comment, or ask at least one question about each myth. You may also express a difference of opinion, or agree and add some further thoughts. 
  • Remember to go back onto the board and answer some of the questions that your peers asked you or engage in the discussion about your differences of opinion.

Need help with your discussion preparation?

Harry Potter is a story that’s touched millions of lives, including mine. While it may be about magic, wizards, and witches, it also has a lot of mythical elements to it. Mythical creatures like centaurs, mermaids, and giants are present throughout the 

This question is taken from Humanities 115 – World Mythology » Winter 2022 » Discussion