Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Humanities 115 – World Mythology » Discussion » Guns & Mythology Golden Lines Discussion – Group Three » Guns & Mythology Golden Lines Discussion – Group Three Sample Answers

Dear students,
I invite you to take some time to re-read the essays on guns and mythology. As before, you will need to read like a detective, as you have a mystery to solve!
As we read, we are aiming for an understanding of the stories that will help us decide to what extent guns have been mythologized in American culture.
Four Golden Lines
While annotating the essays that you have read (and the mp3), look for one golden line each from four of the six essays (including the mp3). A golden line should be a line that sparks a new idea for you, or helps you understand something more deeply, or it may be something that you disagree with or that you may agree with but want to add a new idea to, or, perhaps something that confuses you, but you would like to know more about it.
Expectations of This Assignment (Rubric)
To receive full credit, your work should demonstrate that the you:
- Have meaningfully/strategically chosen four golden lines – one line each from four different essays/mp3.
- Have copied over the lines, and let us know from which essay and which part of the essay each line comes from.
- Have written meaningful notes to your peers about why you have chosen the lines you have chosen.
- Your four golden lines, and let us know from which essay and which part of the essay each line comes from.
- A note to your peers regarding each line, about why you have chosen the lines you have chosen.
Responding to Your Peers
Please choose two lines/notes that intrigue you, and respond to your peers’ comments by noting something that you found particularly thoughtful, especially if it changed or expanded your understanding. Please explain why you thought that the lines/notes were thoughtful.
This golden line struck me the most because it says so much about society today. So many people use guns to prove their masculinity, instead of using them to protect one’s self and others. Owning a gun has become more about proving your masculinity that