Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » AMST 324 – American Immigrant Cultures » Discussion » Week 2 Discussion Forum » Week 2 Discussion Forum Sample Answers

Per the syllabus, the discussion questions for this class are designed as blogs. You will have until Friday at noon to respond to the questions I post.
You are not obligated to respond to another student-but if something moves you, feel free to do so! (I will make sure to do the same!) You’re also welcome to include images, links, video, as you see fit.
You should peruse the syllabus for how I will grade these items, but in case you’ve had a long day (haven’t we all?), here’s the info:
The following point system will be used to evaluate your posts:
- 10-9 points: Extremely detailed, thoughtful, and highly analytical, raises original and insightful ideas, uses numerous examples to support claims, addresses all questions
- 8-7 points: Very detailed, thoughtful, analytical, raises original ideas, uses some examples to support claims, addresses all questions
- 6-5 points: Some detail and/or thoughtful analysis, still raises some original ideas, uses some examples to support claims, might omit one question
- 4-3 points: Limited content and analysis, fewer examples to support claims, post needs more thought and analysis, might seem rushed or omits some questions
- 2-1 points: Extremely limited in content and analysis, zero to very few examples to support claims, might appear rushed or unrelated to original post
- 0 points: No post or post plagiarizes other student’s post
Week 2 Forum Questions
The big theme for this week was how America responded to imagined “others” in the American “West” in the mid to late 19th century. After reading and viewing this week’s content (articles, film, lecture), what did you find most surprising? What did you find the most disturbing? And is there anything that you found inspiring or uplifting? Do you find any parallels between any of the content and any more contemporary practices in America? (The “water cure” definitely made me think of other moments in American history…)
Do you think the American impulse toward Manifest Destiny still exists today? What other imagined “frontiers” might there still be to “explore” in the 21st century? (To use the language of the 19th century).
Do you think we still have a belief in American exceptionalism? (That is, the belief that American is a unique place or an excellent example of what can be achieved in other nations?) What might make you believe this is true-or no longer true? What in your opinion, are the benefits and/or dangers of this faith in American exceptionalism?
Upon reading and watching all the week two’s lesson content, I found it surprising about American culture is their will to strive to be the best. Their various ways to endorse the beauty and glamour of America using multiple photos, descriptions, posters, and remarkable words of persuasion make other people think that living in America is such a wonderful opportunity. Also, the way they have