Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Science 111L – Understanding Climate Change Lab » Discussion » Lab 2 Discussion » Lab 2 Discussion Sample Answers
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For the Lab 2 discussion, please answer the following questions:
- What do you already know about climate change? Do any images, phrases, or events come to mind?
- How often do you think about climate change?
- Do you believe the climate is changing? Why/why not?
- Do you feel that changes in climate have affected you personally/in your day to day life?
- What do you hope to learn about climate change in this class?\
What I know about climate change is that it is literally a change in climate, specifically, this is the warming of the planet Earth due to increased amount of trapped heat in the Earth’s atmosphere caused by
From what I learned in class so far, I know that the effects of climate change can be as menial as it is catastrophic. We can see the effects of climate change in our day to day lives, sometimes, we just don’t take the time
This question is taken from Science 111L – Understanding Climate Change Lab » Spring 2022 » Discussion