Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » English 313 – Studies in Popular Culture » Discussion » Discussion Circle #2 – Post due Mon 2/7, Replies due Wed 2/9 – The Fab Four » Discussion Circle #2 – Post due Mon 2/7, Replies due Wed 2/9 – The Fab Four Sample Answers

For Monday:
- Write a reading response (2 paragraphs, 200+ words) to Pop Culture for Beginners Chapter 1 – “The Semiotic Approach” pgs 31-56. Choose a particular aspect of this chapter that you found interesting or intriguing. Be sure to quote from the chapter at least once!
- Don’t have your copy of the book yet? Here is a PDF of Chapter 2. Get your textbook ASAP! See my announcement here: The Trouble with Textbooks for more information!
- Can’t think of anything to say? Respond to the question I ask at the end of this week’s lesson: The Week 3 Lesson
- Write a thought-provoking discussion question for your group about an issue or issues brought up in this reading.
For Wednesday:
- Respond to each of the other students in your group (at least once) and answer their discussion question!
- Ideally, this will result in 1 post and 3 or 4 replies, depending on the total number of people in your group!
Remember: your main post is due Mon night (11:59pm). Responses due Wednesday night (11:59pm).
- Think/read/watch critically. Make note of your reactions as you read/watch/listen.
- Every response post should be a minimum 200+ words. Write as much as you like, but make sure it is at least 2 paragraphs and 200 words.
When you are responding to a written text:
- Use the text you are responding to. Quote. Cite (give page #). Interpret and comment on what you cite and what you see.
- What does this text want me to understand?
- Why might the findings or claims of this text be important to our course?
- What do I agree with or find especially interesting?
- Where, if anywhere, do I feel like “pushing back” against the text’s argument? Why?
In this chapter, the idea that the author is trying to say is that everything in our society is ideological in a sense and each one of us is constantly engaging to create meaning of our current values, understandings, beliefs, and codes that we communicate. Most of the things discussed in this chapter are quite general in my opinion. An idea that I found fascinating is how certain objects could be a