Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » ESL 0202 – Advanced Composition » Discussion » Discussion Board #3: Writing Thesis Statements » Discussion Board #3: Writing Thesis Statements Sample Answers

Part 1:
Read the thesis statements below. Create a new thread and rewrite each thesis to make it more effective for a five-paragraph essay. Consider using subtopics such as advantages, disadvantages, characteristics, ways, reasons, or kinds.
- Computers are very useful. (Too general)
- College students need computers to complete assignments that must be typed. (Too specific)
- Computers can be used in several ways to enhance a college student’s education. (Improved)
The thesis statements below are too broad. Rewrite them to make them stronger.
- A college education is a good investment.
- There are thousands of students studying at PGCC this semester.
- Healthcare is a popular field for students to pursue.
- Tuition costs are difficult for college students to pay.
- Moving to a new country is stressful.
- Click “Create Thread” in the upper left corner of the forum. A page with these instructions and a window to type will open up.
- Type your revised thesis statements (all five of them).
Part 2:
After you have posted your thesis statements, read your classmates’ samples and respond to at least three classmates by replying under their threads.
When replying to your classmates’ samples, answer the following questions:
- Are your classmates’ thesis statements clearly written? Do they show a focus?
- Are your classmates’ thesis statements direct or indirect? If they are direct thesis statements, are the subtopics listed?
- Are there any sentence errors in the samples that your classmates’ have shared? Check for S-V agreement, Run-On,and Comma-Splice errors.
Part 3: After you have commented on your classmates’ posts, read the replies to your own thread and make necessary changes to your work by clicking the “edit” button next to “reply.” Do not create a new thread or make your changes in the replies–EDIT your work!
All parts of this assignment are due by the end-of-day weekly due date.
Students have to think that pursuing college is a good investmemt of their future, for it will give them