Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » AMST 324 – American Immigrant Cultures » Discussion » Week 5 Discussion Forum » Week 5 Discussion Forum Sample Answers

You’ll again have until Friday at noon. 🙂
This week’s focus in on food-so there’s lots of issues to process! 🙂
First, do you think there is such a thing as “American” food?” If so, would exactly would you classify as American food? Do you think all foods eventually become totally Americanized over time-or do you think that there are some foods that are more resistant to Americanization? (I’m thinking here of this week’s film!) And, have you ever witnessed (or experienced) someone viewing a specific food (or perhaps even your food) as totally alien or other?
Second, in your opinion, what were the benefits and/or negatives of the Americanization movement as depicted in this week’s reading and lecture? (We might find both benefits and negatives at work). Americanization programs often labeled some of the food consumed by immigrants as non-nutritious/unhealthy. Do you see any of the same tactics (where foods of certain communities are labeled unhealthy) in contemporary America? Or do you believe that modern American society no longer demonizes the food of specific cultures and communities? What evidence do you have to support your point of view?
Finally-I’d love to hear your thoughts on this! In 2017, a Portland burrito pop-up closed (Links to an external site.) after people online criticized the owners for “cultural appropriation.” The chefs described traveling to Mexico and falling in love with the homemade tortillas made by the “tortilla ladies” of Puerto Nuevo. The chefs also bragged about “peeking into the windows of every kitchen” and “picking the brains of every tortilla lady” to learn their recipe and technique. In your opinion, is it fair to criticize these chefs for “cultural theft?”
Concerning this week’s modules, lesson, and reading material, I can say that Americans have gone through an emerging decision on Americanizing the immigrants to sustain harmony and work ethics. Also, this concept has revolutionized the way of treating immigrants in the said century. In terms of categorizing such as “American food,” based on my understanding, there is no such term as