Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Management 434: Business Negotiation » Discussion » DISCUSSION: Read ETHICAL DILEMMA: ARE WE ON THE SAME TEAM? on page 314 before contributing. » DISCUSSION: Read ETHICAL DILEMMA: ARE WE ON THE SAME TEAM? on page 314 before contributing. Sample Answers

If you were a member of Peter’s team, how would you react to this situation?
What options for resolving this situation exist?
Confidence is a great way to show team camaraderie and group cohesion. However, the case with Peter’s exaggeration can ultimately make the team lose the negotiation because it is likely that the company will do background research on the team and thus would know that Peter is lying about the other high profile clients whom he said were previous clients. If I were Maria or Eduardo, I would try to