Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Anthropology 102 – Human Ways of Life: Cultural Anthropology » Discussion » Impact » Impact Sample Answers
Now that you have gone through the course, consider:
What had the greatest impact on you?
This can be a concept, a topic, an article, or even a sentence. It can be from the book, anything in the modules or something in a discussion topic.
Posting 1: due by Tuesday Week 5, 15 pts
- Describe what from this course had the greatest impact on you.
- Make clear where it is; giving enough information as to allow others to be able to read it in context.
- Describe it
- Explain the impact it had on you.
- WHAT was the impact
- WHY did it have this impact on you
- Explain how this will influence you going forward.
Postings 2 and 3: due by Thursday Week 5 (no posting accepted after this date) 5 pts each
Respond to two classmates’ postings:
- Make clear to whom you are responding and what had an impact on them
- Explain the impact this had on you and why
The lesson which had the greatest impact on me is the chapter about genders, gender roles, and gender expectations. I especially liked the discussion about gender, because I was able to see how different cultures apply the concept of gender as part of their social traditions, beliefs, as well as norms. Gender in the anthropological perspective is a distinct element in society but is also