Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » CAS 368 – Central American Revolutionary Movements » Discussion » Reading Response #2: The 1970’s-Resistance Grows in Guatemala » Reading Response #2: The 1970’s-Resistance Grows in Guatemala Sample Answers

The purpose of this assignment is to critically analyze the many resistance movements in Guatemala during its civil war period. The reading response will be conducted through a canvas discussion assignment as outlined in the syllabus.
Related Learning Outcome(s)
By the end of this week, given a reading unit, students will be able to:
- Critically analyze selected resistance movements in Guatemala.
- Evaluate how the Guatemalan government and military responded to the growing resistance movements.
The assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in this course and in a professional life beyond school:
- Explain the growing resistance movements in Guatemala as it relates to the civil war period.
This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content knowledge in this discipline of Central American Studies:
- The response of the Guatemalan government and military to growing resistance movement as it relates to human rights.
In a new post, use the Reply button at the bottom of this page to complete the following task.
Part 1: Answer the following questions from the reading of Aviva Chomsky chapter 4 pp. 84-98. (2 points)
- All questions must be answered to receive full credit for the entire assignment.
- Please keep in mind that you can only submit assignment on one attempt.
- You will not have the option to edit your responses.
- Make sure to review your responses before submitting.
- Explain the story of the twenty-seven CUC activists in Guatemala?
- In Panzos, Guatemala, what happened to the Q’eqchi Indians that became known as what?
- Explain the story of EGP guerilla leader Mario Payeras and Luis Arenas (the Tiger or Jaguar) in Ixcan, Guatemala.
- What did Mario Prayeras mean that EGP guerillas in the mountains suffered no loses?
- Explain the “model villages” and “guns and beans” program in Guatemala?
- Explain how Mayans were recruited to the Guatemalan military and how did PAC’s impact indigenous villages?
- Who formed GAM, FAMDEGUA, and CONAVIGUA? Why were they formed?
- What is REMHI and what happened to bishop Juan Gerardi that let this project?
- What did Grandin argue about the role of the U.S in Guatemala? Provide two examples.
- What did la violencia (the civil war period) mean for urban Guatemalans and rural Guatemalans?
Part 2: Relate the Reading with the Story of Maria Luisa (3 points)
Please watch the following short video The Story of Maria Luisa (Links to an external site.)
- Relate a question from the reading with the the story of Maria Luisa. Response must be a minimum five sentences. Make sure to organize your response in a paragraph.
- Relate another question from the reading with the story of Maria Luisa. Response must be a minimum five sentences. Make sure to organize your response in a paragraph.
- Note: students cannot select the same question from the reading twice.
Part 3: Critical Reflection or New Knowledge (3 points)
- Select another question from the reading and provide your own critical reflection or the new knowledge gained . The response must be a minimum of five sentences. Organize your response in a paragraph.
- Select another question from the reading and provide your own critical reflection or the new knowledge gained. The response must be a minimum of five sentences. Organize your response in a paragraph.
- Note: questions cannot be the same as part 2.
Part 4: Peer Feedback (2 points)
Provide peer feedback to two classmates.
- Respond to a classmate’s part 2
- Respond to second classmate’s part 3
- Responses must be at least three sentences
To begin your initial post, use the Reply button at the bottom of this page.
Time Frame
The assignment is due Sunday February 27, 2022 by 11:59pm.
Materials Needed
Aviva Chomsky Chapter 4 pp. 84-98
Discussion Etiquette (Netiquette) Guidelines
Respond to your classmates in a respectful manner, keeping in mind the following:
- Treat others as you wish to be treated.
- Use supportive and constructive language.
- Use full sentences and proper grammar.
- Don’t use too much jargon.
- Substantiate your opinion or claim by citing evidence from a reputable and trusted source.
Criteria for Success
The discussion board assignment will be graded on a 10 point scale. The grading will be based on the criteria listed in the canvas discussion reading response rubric.
They occupied the Spanish Embassy in protest of the systemic repression of the regime. They called for an end to the repression, but the government responded with repression. The embassy was assaulted and burned down