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Movie Observation 1
Please watch any movie that covers child development from infancy and toddlerhood and identify examples from the movie of concepts related to the following developmental areas:
1. Physical Development: “Baby Fat”, Cephalocaudal, Proximodistal, Marasmus Kwashiorker, micronutrients, brain development, fMRI, EEG, sleeping and cosleeping patterns, teething, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, potty training, breast feeding, brain growth and plasticity, sensory development, etc.
2. Cognitive Development: Piaget – Schemes, Mental Structures, Maturation, Assimilation, Accommodation, Sensorimotor Stage, Simple Reflexes, Primary Circular Reactions, Secondary Circular Reactions, Coordination of Secondary Schemas, Tertiary Circular Reactions, Object Permanence, Deferred Imitation, Mental Representations, Categorization; information Processing Approach – Sensory Memory, Short Term Memory, Long Term Memory, Attention, Habituation, Dishabituation, Joint Attention; Vygotsky’s Cultural Theory of Cognitive Development – Zone of Proximal Developmental, Scaffolding, Private Speech, Guided Participation; Language Development – Cooing, Babbling, Infant Directed Speech, Infinite Generativity, Broca’s Area, Wernicke’s Area, Holophrases, Overextension, Underextension, Fast Mapping, telegraphic Speech, Language Acquisition Device, Overregularization, Environmental Influences; Assessing Infant Development
3. Emotional Development: Temperament, Primary Emotions, Secondary Emotions, Social Smile, Emotional Contagion, Social Referencing, Emotional Self-Regulation, Sociomoral Emotions, Empathy, Prosocial Behavior
4. Social Development: Erikson’s Trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt; Bowlby’s Attachment Theory
Please note that the movies noted above are merely suggestions. You can select any movie title that covers development in infancy and toddlerhood.
After watching the movie, please create a blog entry and post the name of the movie you watched with an example for one concept outlined within each of the areas outlined above. Identify the term or concept that applies, define the term including definitions from the text, describe the example from the movie and explain how it demonstrates the concept at hand.
Points Possible: 10 Points (Partial points will be awarded based on the depth of the analysis across each of the domains. Greater detail is recommended and is great practice for the Childhood Observation due for the next module.)