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Chapter 2 Supplemental Homework
1. Consider the first two columns in the data set. These are the monthly data numbers (in GB) that Hadey collected from the households where he did NOT post a notice and households where he DID post a notice respectively. Use the techniques described in chapter 2 to organize these data sets appropriately and
comment on the differences between the two.
2. Consider the last two columns in the data set. These are the mental health scores that Letecia collected from her goats that WERE and were NOT satisfied with the hay respectively. Use the techniques described in chapter 2 to organize these data sets appropriately and comment on the differences between the two.
Chapter 2 Supplemental Homework Answer
1. Consider the first two columns in the data set. These are the monthly data numbers (in GB) that Hadey collected from the households where he did NOT post a notice and households where he DID post a notice respectively. Use the techniques described in chapter 2 to organize these data sets appropriately and
comment on the differences between the two.
Households that received the notice used less GB compared to households that did not receive the notice.