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Test 1
Hadey the goat is interested in expanding his hummus business and he thinks his customers would enjoy tomato paninis (a panini is a kind of grilled sandwich). So
to learn more, he borrows Sarkis the baker’s panini press, and randomly selected 2 days from each month of 2021 and then randomly chose one day from each month
to be a panini day. Note that it is days that are being sampled here. He records his net profits each day to see if the paninis are selling well. You can find his results in
the Excel file “136 Test 1 Spring 2022.xlsx” on Canvas.
1. Exactly what population is Hadey studying here?
2. What method of sampling did Hadey employ?
3. Identify the variables in this study. State whether each is qualitative or quantitative. If a variable is binary, say so. State whether any quantitative variables are discrete or continuous. State the level of measurement for all variables. Lastly, identify if any of the variables are explanatory or response variables.
4. Is this an example of a designed experiment or an observational study?
5. What method of sampling did Hadey employ?
6. Identify at least one element of experimental design from this study.
7. Create histograms from both columns. Start both histograms at $0 and use bars $20 wide.
8. Create boxplots from both columns
9. Comment on the differences in the data sets that you can identify from the graphs in questions 7 and 8.
10. Compute the mean and standard deviations of each data set.
11. What do the means and standard deviations from question 10 tell you?
12. Using your responses from questions 7-11, do you think it is valid to conclude that selling paninis results in higher profits for Hadey? Justify your answer thoroughly.
Test 1 Answers