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Chapter 2 Assignment
1. Consider the following narrative describing the process of filling a customer’s order at a Starbucks branch:
Identify the start and end events and the activities in the following narrative, and then draw the business process model using BPMN: the Starbucks customer entered the drive-through lane and stopped to review the menu. He then ordered a Venti coffee of the day and a blueberry muffin from the barista. The barista recorded the order in the cash register. While the customer drove to the window, the barista filled a Venti cup with coffee, put a lid on it, and retrieved the muffin from the pastry case and placed it in a bag. The barista handed the bag with the muffin and the hot coffee to the customer. The customer has an option to pay with cash, credit card, or Starbucks gift card. The customer paid with a gift card. The barista recorded the payment and returned the card along with the receipt to the customer.
Assume that you will complete your model with 12 elements in the sequence shown below.
1. Which BPMN symbol should replace block 1 above to start the process?
2. The name for the symbol that you selected to replace block 1 in the process is which of the following?
3. Which BPMN symbol should replace block 2 above in the process?
4. The name for the symbol that you selected to replace block 2 is which of the following?
5. Which of the following is the best label or name to replace the number 2?
6. Which of the following is the best label to replace the number 3?
7. Which of the following is the best label to replace the number 4?
8. Which of the following is the best label to replace the number 5?
9. After number 5, the process branches to process the type of payment. Which of the following BPMN symbols should then replace block 6 in the process?
10. The name for the symbol that you selected to replace block 6 in the process is which of the following?
11. Which of the following is the best label to replace the number 6?
12. Assume that blocks 7, 8, and 9 represent 3 options for processing payments. After that branching, the process then merges again in block 10. Which of the following is the name of the BPMN symbol that should replace block 10?
13. Which of the following is the best label to replace the number 11?
14. Which of the following is the name of the BPMN symbol that should replace block 12?
15. Which of these describes the BPMN symbol that should replace block 12 above to end the process?
b. Consider the same narrative as described in the beginning. Model the process using a looping task.
Assume the diagram above provides a high-level view of the process.
b1. Which of the following is used to represent a looping task?
b2. Assume that the Starbucks barista performs multiple preparation tasks to prepare the order. Which of the following diagrams best shows the looping task? (Select each link to view the diagram choices and select the appropriate answer using the corresponding buttons below.)
c. Consider the same narrative as described in the beginning. Add an intermediate error event to account for the possibility that the coffee the customer ordered is brewing and will not be ready for 5 minutes. When that happens, the Starbucks barista asks the customer if he/she wants to wait or wants another coffee.
c1. Which of the following is used to represent an intermediate error event?
c2. Which of the following partial diagrams best models the described features? (Select each link to view the diagram choices and select the appropriate answer using the corresponding buttons below.)
d. Consider the same narrative as described in the beginning. Model the process with two pools, message flows, and intermediate message events.
d1. Pools represent participants in a process. Which of the following is the best name for the pool representing the external participant?
d2. Which of the following is most likely to be a name of a message flow coming into the Starbucks pool?
d3. Models often show the pool for the external participants as opaque. What are the advantages of this?
d4. Intermediate message events can be catching or throwing. The events catch incoming message flows and throw outgoing message flows. Which of the following message flows could connect to an intermediate catching event in this process?
d5. Intermediate message events can be catching or throwing. The events catch incoming message flows and throw outgoing message flows. Which of the following message flows could connect to an intermediate throwing event in this process?
d6. Which of the following is required if you include any tasks or other BPMN elements in the Customers pool?
19 Consider the following narrative describing the process of registering a car with the DMV:
Heide lives in California and it is time to renew her automobile registration. The California DMV sends her a renewal form and indicates that she needs a smog check for her automobile. She takes her car to the smog check station. She completes the smog check. If the smog check is successful, she can then go to the DMV website and renew her registration, paying with a credit card. Two weeks later she receives a new registration form and tags for her license plates. She puts the registration in the glove box of her car and places the tags on her license plates.
a. For each step in the diagram from the beginning, enter the appropriate symbol and label. If two events can occur at the same time, enter information for both. For example, the 2nd and 6th steps are entered.
Select from the following symbols
Start Message Event
End Event
Intermediate Event
Exclusive Gateway
Inclusive Gateway
Parallel Gateway
Looping Task
Intermediate Timer Event
Intermediate Error Event
Start Timer Event
Select from the following labels
Complete smog check
Submit registration renewal
Receive new registration
Obtain repairs
Place registration in glove box
Place tags on license plate
No label
b. Consider the same narrative as described in the beginning, except in this case the car fails the smog check. Heide must then schedule maintenance service with her dealer. She completes the service and returns for a new smog check. This time she passes the smog check and can complete the process.
For each step in the diagram from the beginning, enter the appropriate symbol and label. If two events can occur at the same time, enter information for both. For example, the 2nd and 7th steps are entered.
Select from the following symbols
Start Event
End Event
Intermediate Event
Exclusive Gateway
Inclusive Gateway
Parallel Gateway
Looping Task
Intermediate Timer Event
Intermediate Error Event
Start Timer Event
Start Message Event
Select from the following labels
Complete smog check
Submit registration renewal
Receive new registration
Obtain repairs
Place registration in glove box
Place tags on license plate
No label
c. Consider the same narrative as described in the beginning, except include data objects. The renewal form is created when Heide receives mail from the DMV. She uses the renewal form information at the smog check station. The smog check station then provides her a smog check certificate. She uses the certificate information and her renewal form to update her registration on the DMV website.
For each step in the diagram from the beginning, list the data object used or created during that step. Steps 1 and 2 are filled in for example.
Select from the following data objects
Renewal forms
Smog certificate
New registration and tags
(If there is no appropriate label for a particular step, select ‘None’. If more than one data object is appropriate for a given step, select the choice that represents all possible choices.)
Chapter 2 Assignment Answers
2. The name for the symbol that you selected to replace block 1 in the process is which of the following?
Answer: D. A start event