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Week 7 Discussion Forum
The discussion topics this week are designed to have you think about the overall theme of delinquency and fashion as political statement in a larger (more personal context).
This will of course be available until Friday at noon. 🙂
Week 7 Discussion Forum
Do you think that America still has a fear of young people as potentially dangerous? What example(s) can you give to show that America has panicked about young people either in history or even today? Do you think that the larger public had a right to be concerned about zoot suiters? Why or why not? Do you think juvenile delinquency is ever a real concern or issue in society?
The zoot suiters used fashion as a way of challenging social norms in the 1940s.
Can you think of another example where fashion/clothing has existed as a visual challenge against dominant society? Is it possible for fashion to successfully challenge existing norms or beliefs? Can you think of any examples where a once-radical fashion has become accepted by dominant society? (And do you therefore think it has therefore lost its radical potential)? [This is something I’ve thought about a lot since seeing a once-radical style of attire from the 80s sold at Hot Topic]. 🙂
Finally, as part of your blog, please affirm the following at the end of your post:
This is my friendly reminder to myself that next week is the midterm. The short answer midterm exam goes live on Monday, March 14 at noon and must be completed on Canvas before Tuesday, March 15 at noon . The essay portion of the midterm goes live on Tuesday, March 15 at noon must be submitted on Canvas by Thursday, March 17 at noon.
Juvenile crime has been one of the significant issues that the government is trying to correct. Primarily, most youths nowadays tend to engage in various acts of bullying, leading to participation in some gangster or fraternity communities. Thus, the government has still an