Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » English 313 – Studies in Popular Culture » Discussion » Find & Post: Protest Songs! – Due Friday, 3/4 » Find & Post: Protest Songs! – Due Friday, 3/4 Sample Answers

FIRST: Read through our Week 6 Lesson and also check out the Vox article ” The History of American Protest Music, from “Yankee Doodle” to Kendrick Lamar” by Bridgett Henwood.
THEN: On your own, (meaning, don’t rely on the songs included in the reading) go find a song written or published in the last 10 years that you feel qualifies as a “protest song” and answer the following:
- Why did you choose it?
- What makes it a “protest song” in your opinion?
- Specifically, what social or political issue or issues is it protesting or drawing attention to?
Make sure to include a link to the song, or embed a video, if possible. Here are instructions on how to post a video to a discussion.
I love listening to punk rock as well so I chose the song Anarcha by War on woman because it exposes the unethical medical practices