Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » PSC 1210 – Exploring Earth and Space Science Concepts » Discussion » M6DB1: Defending Human Civilization from Supervolcanic Eruptions Options Menu: Forum » M6DB1: Defending Human Civilization from Supervolcanic Eruptions Options Menu: Forum Sample Answers
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- Read the article tilted, Defending Human Civilisation from Supervolcanic Eruptions.
- In no LESS THAN 300 words, explain your stand about NASA’s suggestions to defend human civilization from volcanic eruptions. Make sure to support your argument with evidence.
- You have until 11:59 PM on Wednesday to post your response to this question. In addition to your original post, you need to respond to two of your classmates’ posts on or before Sunday at 11:59 PM.
- Your response to your classmates’ posts should not only say “I agree with you.” Please explain why you agree or disagree.
I am on the fence when it comes to this proposal. The idea is promising, being able to prevent an eruption while harnessing a potential source of energy from it. Upon research, I found that
This question is taken from PSC 1210 – Exploring Earth and Space Science Concepts » Spring 2022 » Discussion