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- Watch the short video clip below.
- Pretending that you are an environmentalist, write a letter addressed to President Bhandari, President of Nepal, explaining how to resolve the poluution issues?
- You have until 11:59 PM on Wednesday to post your response to this question. In addition to your original post, you need to respond to two of your classmates’ posts on or before Sunday at 11:59 PM.
- Your response to your classmates’ posts should not only say “I agree with you.” Please explain why you agree or disagree.
To the President,
I am writing to you to relay my concern about the increasing pollution in Mt. Everest. Year by year, tourists come to attempt climbing the world’s highest mountain, but leave behind massive amounts of trash that
This question is taken from PSC 1210 – Exploring Earth and Space Science Concepts » Spring 2022 » Discussion