Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » ESL 0202 – Advanced Composition » Discussion » Discussion Board #4: The Cause/Effect Essay Options Menu: Forum » Discussion Board #4: The Cause/Effect Essay Options Menu: Forum Sample Answers

Part 1:
Copy and paste your draft or your cause/effect essay in a new thread. Remember to use MLA format!
Part 2:
REVIEW three classmate’s essays. Look for the following:
- What is the best part of the essay?
- What part of the essay needs the most revision? CONTENT/ORGANIZATION/FORMAT/GRAMMAR
- Is there enough introductory material?
- Is the thesis statement clear?
- Is each cause/effect introduced in a separate body paragraph?
- Is each body paragraph introduced with a clear topic sentence with signal phrases?
- Does the writer use cause/effect signal words and sentence structures?
- Is each cause/effect clearly and thoroughly explained?
- Does the conclusion end with a suggestion/prediction/opinion?
- Is the format, grammar, and punctuation correct? BE SPECIFIC WITH ERRORS in this category (see “how discussion boards are graded” in Module 0).
Part 3: Read the replies to your essay and revise the essay based on the suggestions. Revise your essay by clicking the “edit” button next to the “reply” button and making the changes on the document. DO NOT post your revision in a reply.
All parts of this assignment are due by the end-of-day weekly due date.
Try it Out: Choose one of the following topics to brainstorm ideas for a cause-effect essay.
Prompt 1. Have you or someone you know every gone on a diet? What made them decide to start it? Once they began to diet, what kind of changes did they notice? What kind of results beyond physical changes did they experience?
Essay Topic: What causes someone to go on a diet?
Essay Topic: What effects does dieting have on a person?
Prompt 2. Did you ever know someone who was caught for cheating on a school assignment (test, paper, etc.)? Why did they do it? What happened as a result?
Essay Topic: What causes a student to resort to cheating on an assignment?
Essay Topic: What effects does cheating have on a student when it is discovered?
Exercise has been a significant part of our lives. It has become our way to lose weight and keep ourselves away from illnesses. It becomes a routine that can never be forgotten. The only way to keep one’s physical health