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Business Ethics and ethics in general is a very interesting thing. What makes one person believe something is bad and something else is good. The video below discusses some important issues regarding ethics. Please watch the video and answers the questions below by the due date.
DUE FRIDAY Mar 4 11:59P
- Do you think of dirtboxes on a plane are ethical? Why or why not?
- What do you think when he says “should humans become technology”? Do you think we should become technology? Why or why not?
- What do you think of Jibo? Would you want it as a partner? Why or why not?
- What do you think is the right balance for humanists and technology?
- Like rules of conflict in warfare, the World Future Society came up with 3 rules for AI technology that are worth discussing at 18:20 in the video. Which rule do you most agree with and why? What would happen if this rule were not followed?
DUE SUNDAY Mar 6 11:59P
- Review your classmates’ responses for #5 above. Respond to at least 2 classmates posts outlining if you agree with them or do not agree with them and why.
No, because it eliminates the privacy of individuals. Dirt box devices are used to spy on people’s phone call and messages without their privacy consent. Purposely gathering data
This question is taken from BUSAD 141 – Introduction to Management » Spring 2022 » Discussion