Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Child Development 140 – Principles and Practices of Teaching » Discussion » Roebel Quotes » Roebel Quotes Sample Answers

First, after reading through all of Froebel’s quotes, Quotes by Frederich Froebel, please choose at least two. Read them thoughtfully and reflect on what you now know about Froebel.
Then, please rewrite each quote in your own words. Try to keep to the spirit of what he said, but change the wording to be your own.
Next, post both (or more!) of your rewritten quotes here. One reply per quote. (Don’t put two rewritten quotes in one reply.) Please don’t let us know which one you’re referring to, just post the quote that you’ve rewritten.
Finally, read your classmates’ posts and attempt to guess which quotes they were rewriting. Reply to their post with your guess. Please respond to at least five classmates.
Let your classmates know if they were right or wrong!
Hey class,
I didn’t know much about Froebel before this activity, but I do know that he’s one of the pioneers of recognizing the special needs of children especially when it comes to education. He was