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Please reflect on your response to the readings and the viewings from this week. Remember, don’t summarize what you’ve read, explain what you’re thinking about what you read.
- Did anything stand out for you?
- Do you have any specific questions?
- Can you connect your own experiences with play as a child to the beginning of The Play’s the Thing?
Please also respond to the posts of two of your classmates:
- Can you help to answer any of their questions?
- Can you connect to any of their ideas or connections?
Hey class,
Here are my reflections for this week:
- Did anything stand out for you?
I think the thing that stood out for me the most would be how play is holds so much importance in a child’s life. It’s easy to take it for granted and think that
This question is taken from Child Development 140 – Principles and Practices of Teaching » Spring 2022 » Discussion