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Each module unit takes the task of writing a good essay and breaks it down into smaller steps. In this discussion, we will share our thoughts on our readings for this unit by relating the contents to our experiences and prior knowledge. By sharing our interpretations on the readings, we will generate ideas for a good Essay thesis. Doing so will be the first step in drafting a good essay final draft since a strong thesis tells the reader what the essay’s main argument will be. In our discussion, you will also asked to support your thesis ideas with evidence from our assigned texts for this module. That evidence will also serve to help you put together a comprehensive outline for your essay in the next assignment.
Main Post Instructions
Write three or more paragraphs (at least 200+ words) on the following:
Paragraph 1 (Your Personal Example):
- Introduce yourself to the class by sharing a little about your background. (Common topics include where you grew up and attended school, your family, how long you have been at GCC, your major and / or career aspirations.)
- Then tell us if you are interested in sports or a particular form of exercise. Do you play or enjoy watching a sport? Have a favorite athlete or team? What got you into it? Why do you like that sport? If you aren’t interested, that’s ok, too. Tell us why.
- Have you ever been to Hawaii? What was it like? If you have never been, would you like to go and why?
Paragraph 2
- Begin your second paragraph with a one sentence thesis that fully answers the Essay 1 question:
What were the two biggest factors that caused the near elimination of surfing from Hawaiian culture after it was discovered by English explorer Captain James Cook in 1778?
Don’t forget to see Model Essay 1 for help.
- Then support your thesis with quotations and supporting examples from Chapter 1 “The Cradle of Surfing” in The World in the Curl.
- End your main post with an interesting question for the class that stems from the ideas in your post.
Reply Posts (2 required, 50+ word each)
- What parts of the other student’s main post could you identify with? What parts did you like? Explain why you liked those ideas.
- Suggest improvements by referring to additional supporting examples from The World in the Curl. Or point out parts of the other student’s main post that you would like to see discussed in more detail, either with more explanation, clarification, or support.
- End your reply post with an interesting question that is relevant to your discussion.
- 1 main post (200+ words) that fully responds to Dr. Kwa’s prompt
- 2 replies (50+ words each) to others’ main posts
- Very Important: You are required to end all of your main posts and replies with a question that is related to your thoughts in your post.
Please make sure to give credit to other students by name should you discuss their ideas. If your discussion forum plagiarizes ideas or wording from another student’s post or an outside source, your post will not be accepted for credit.
Hello everyone,
I am ________, I am from Armenia but now I live in the UDS. I think that both of these countries are well educated but they are many differences related