Ch 3 and Ch 4 Discussion Answer

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  1. Why are so few products made in the USA and what can be done to increase manufacturing in the USA?
  2. State your opinion on the video (Note it is several years old and technology has far surpassed it)
  3. Define Franchise
  4. 4a (7 -10 plus sentences total for question 4) What are the advantages of a franchise?

     4b. What are the disadvantages of a franchise?

     4c. For a restaurant, would you prefer to buy a Franchise, or build your own brand name?

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  1. Why are so few products made in the USA and what can be done to increase manufacturing in the USA?

There are several reasons why there are so few products manufactured in the USA. One of them is the availability of supplies in the USA. Some companies offshored manufacturing to make them closer to their suppliers and

This question is taken from BUS 001 – Introduction to Business » Spring 2022 » Discussion