Navigation » List of Schools, Subjects, and Courses » Political Science 005 – Western Political Thought » Discussion » How is man (person) a political animal? » How is man (person) a political animal? Sample Answers

One can argue that politics is uneccessary if you live alone in the forest. If a few people are around and there is enough resources for everyone, then there is no need to negiotiate. More people results in a greater need to establish some form of government to establish order. I want you to think back to your childhood days at a playground. Imagine waiting for a turn on the swings. How do children learn how to get what they want without punching another person? Violence does not have to be the first step in negotiations. In fact, violence is not about power with regards to conflict / compromise. Violence is the use of force and force is not power. Children learn these political lessons from learning how to get along in a playground.
This discussion topic asks students to answer the following question: How is man (person) a political animal? Reference your readings to explain why man (person) is a political animal.
- Respond to this discussion prompt by Tuesday, February 22, 2022 BEFORE 11:55pm.
- Reply to at least two of our classmates’ posts by Wednesday, February 23, 2022 BEFORE 11:55pm.
Man is political animal because “politics” is about power and power is what allows man to control others. While not all people wan to have power over others, they