Video/Discussion: Chronic Health Conditions and Childhood Answer

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We are showing you only the excerpt of our answer. If you need help with the complete answer email us at

View each video before entering the Chronic Health Conditions Discussion on Canvas. [*These are all live links, if ctrl/click does not open the link, copy and paste the link into your browser bar]

Respond to the following questions in the discussion:

  • How can ECE professionals support both young children and their families enrolled in our programs with chronic health conditions?
    • How can we ‘normalize’ the experience of children with chronic conditions in an early care and education setting? Your first post should be in response to this question, post your response before the end of the day on 3/16. Read and respond to the post of at least one other student before posting a response to the next question below:
  • What are the specific concerns we can address in our programs regarding the children and their needs?  Be specific in your post responding to this question by 3/18, identify at least two concerns regarding a child with a chronic health condition in our program (you may choose the chronic health issue), it may have something to do with our relationships with the child and/or family, how we design the program and/or how we support this child (and all other children) enrolled in the program. Remember to consider how we can normalize the experience for children with chronic health conditions so that we see the child first and their health condition second.
  • What are some of the sources of stress children and/or their families may experience? How can we support them in the context of our early childhood programs? In your third post 3/20, respond to this question, remembering that one of our roles is to support the family and families with children who have chronic health conditions may have similar and different needs.
  • In Your final post, respond to the questions below, discuss the limitations of early childhood professionals, what are our limits, when should we make referrals and to whom when the parent or child’s needs exceed our area of expertise?
  • What are the limits of what we can do as educators in support of children and their families?
  • When and where should we make referrals for parents whose children have chronic health conditions? Complete this discussion by 3/21.
  • You are encouraged to read and respond to other posts during the discussion -plan to make a minimum of 5 substantive posts during this discussion. Substantive comments or posts contribute something new to the discussion, provide new or different perspectives, relate real world experience or introduce supported alternative views. You must do more than agree or disagree with a post, discussions can deepen our understanding and clarify our thinking 

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ECE Practitioners can support children and their families by giving them materials that will raise their health awareness on chronic health condition. Parents are partners in successful chronic disease management; that is why there

This question is taken from Child Development 138 – Health, Safety and Nutrition » Spring 2022 » Discussion