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Please look through the classrooms in the GCC Lab School. (Links to an external site.) Click on each of the classroom buttons at the bottom of the page, Koalas, Dinosaurs, etc.
Please use this Anti-Bias checklist (Links to an external site.) as you watch the videos and fill it out to the best of your ability. I know you won’t be able to find all of it, just do the best that you can.
Then, please discuss your findings below.
- How is the lab school doing? Please be specific.
- Where do you think they are doing well?
- Where are the gaps?
- What are some examples of what you could not assess?
Then, please respond to the posts of at least two of your classmates below.
- Did they see anything that you didn’t?
- Do you have any questions for them?
I love how each classroom was able to show dolls of different ethnicities – I find that it’s a great way to help kids learn that there are different kinds of people all over the world and that’s what makes us all unique. I also love how each classroom