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Based on the readings and viewings of the Environment, please respond to the following:
- What were your early childhood environments like?
- What do you think of when you think of an early learning environment?
- How does it connect to what you read about and what you saw in the video?
Then, please sketch an indoor/outdoor environment on a piece of paper. This should be your ideal classroom. Please do the inside and outside of the classroom.
This doesn’t have to be an artistic drawing – but it should be done by you, by hand. Then take a photo of it and upload it here.
Sketch the classroom, inside and out, and then label it including:
- What spaces do you include in the environment and why?
- What materials you would include in your environment and why.
- Have fun with this – sketch your dream classroom. Think back to some of the programs we looked at at the beginning of the course, Reggio Emilia, Montessori, etc. What elements from these programs might you want to include?
Please look at the sketches of at least two of your classmates.
- Do you have questions or comments about their classrooms?
- What were your early childhood environments like?
My early childhood environments were pretty simple. Because I grew up homeschooled, my parents often took me to the park or to different outdoor areas. We’d often go as a family, so I learned about different