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TWO STUDIES – Notre Dame and Babies
A school called City and Country in New York City did a study on Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Their study began after some children in what they call their Vs or five-year-old, classroom, heard about the cathedral catching fire.
Please read this description of the study:
and then watch this video (it’s also embedded in the description):
VsW Notre Dame Study and Block Build (Links to an external site.) from City and Country School (Links to an external site.) on Vimeo (Links to an external site.).
And please read through the Boulder Journey School, in Boulder Colorado, and their description of their doll study: (Links to an external site.)
After reading through both of these, please respond to the following:
- How would you describe the curriculum of both of these schools?
- What are the children learning from both of these experiences?
- In both experiences, where did the ideas come from?
- How did the teachers support the children and their interests in both of these situations?
- Did you see evidence of math concepts, science concepts, literacy concepts, opportunities for social experiences, and opportunities for conflict resolution? Please give specific examples.
- If you were the teacher in both of these classes, how might you respond after both of these studies? What might you do next?
- Do you see emergent curriculum? Anti-bias curriculum?
Please read through the responses of two classmates:
- Did they make connections that were different from yours?
- Do you have questions about their ideas for each study?
- How would you describe the curriculum of both of these schools?
Both schools shared an approach that focused more on what the students like doing and what they learn from external sources like the news and other people who know about the fire at Notre Dame. Personally, I think it’s